American University of Afghanistan AUAF (YES, YSEL, AUSEP & English Access Micro-scholarship)

Scholarship Opportunity:

The Embassy of the United States of America in Kabul, Afghanistan and the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) are planning to jointly offer a limited number of Scholarships for qualified female applicants and for the male alumni of the U.S. Embassy Exchange Programs (YES, YSEL, AUSEP & English Access Micro-scholarship) to study undergraduate degree programs at AUAF starting fall 2017.

Applicants must successfully complete the English Placement Test and TOEFL test offered at AUAF campuses in Kabul on the following dates:

Applicants are required to adhere to the scholarship eligibility guidelines provided by the U.S. Embassy, as listed below:
· Be an Afghan citizen
· Meet all AUAF admissions requirements
· Have not been admitted to AUAF degree programs
You are not eligible for the scholarships,
If you are a U.S. Government employee (including locally employed staff) or the spouse or dependent child of U.S. Government employee.
· If at any time you become an employee of the U.S. Government (or become the spouse or dependent child of an employee of the U.S. Government), then you must relinquish your scholarship immediately.
· Are an AUAF employee
· Have already been admitted to AUAF degree programs or other institutions.

Please note: It is the responsibility of the applicant/student to report truthfully his/her employment status before applying for the Scholarships to the Office of Admissions and any changes of his/her employment status after receiving the scholarship to the Office of Finance. Failure to do so will result in sanctions and it may lead even to expulsion.

For more information please click here

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