Deadline: August, 7.2019


Founded in 2011, The Women’s Regional Network is a network of women civil society leaders from Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan working together to strengthen women’s rights to ensure peace and security in the region. WRN is animated by a vision of women working collaboratively within and across borders, listening and learning from each other to construct a common agenda towards equitable development in building just peace.



to provide a sound basis to young women, men, and students on the basic pillars of women, peace and security and why it is important in the South Asian context.


WRN, in 2017, had identified that there exists across the three countries a gap among the youth to understand issues related to Gender, Peace and Security (GPS); and the need for basic training for young women and men on such issues.. WRN believes that sustained and continued efforts are required to promote an understanding among young people on the subject of GPS and is launching its second online training course from September – December 2019. The first edition of the course ran successfully from October 2017 – May 2018, where 24 learners from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India engaged with each other and interacted with women peace practitioners and eminent activists not only from South Asia but also from Africa and the USA. The course covered various pillars of WPS – Prevention, Protection, Participation, Relief, and Recovery. In addition, it also included sessions on Gendered dimensions of Reconstruction and Reconciliation, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding, Countering gender stereotypes and violent extremism, forced displacements and migrations, using the cyber-space to foster social movements and feminist movements in South Asia.


The objectives of the online courses are:

– To introduce the concepts of WPS to the students building upon existing relevant training courses

– To ensure the concepts are applied within the local and regional context

– To maintain a larger regional feminist lens with which to view WPS, UNSCR 1325 and UNGR 30 and its contents

– To introduce students to the various movements and campaigns related to WPS and opportunities of continuing their work on WPS

Developing linkages with the students and academicians, practitioners, policymakers and mid-career professionals related to the subject as a mentorship opportunity.

WRN charges No fees to impart this training as it understands the constraints on students. However, candidates are expected to demonstrate continued commitment to these issues both through the duration of the course and after.


Masters Students, newly graduated students from M.A. Programs in related fields of social science.

A young professional working in related fields,  including but not limited to people from or living in conflict zones.


What is the Course duration and timings?

Duration: The course will be conducted over a period of 3 months.

The tentative start and end dates are August 31st and December 15th. However, as this course is being offered across different countries and time zones, some classes may be shifted in case they clash with some festival, or national holiday in any of the countries.

Timings: Classes will be held fortnightly on Saturday mornings for two hours.

The tentative timings are:

Afghanistan – 9:30am

Pakistan – 10:00am

India – 10:30 am

SriLanka – 10:30 am

However, since we work across different time zones to get you the best resource person available, sometimes the timing may shift depending on which country or time zone the lecturer is in.


Who can apply?

  • Students enrolled in masters degree courses, or recently graduated from such courses, preferably from a related  social science background.

  • Young professionals working in related fields of social work.

  • Including but not limited to people living in/ from conflict zones.

  • If you’re a law student, you can apply if you’re enrolled in three-years LLB programme. If you’re currently pursuing a five-years LLB programme, then we would prefer applications from students only from third year onward.

  • For under-grad students, exceptions can be made for applications that stand out to us, provided the person is in the third year of graduation


Is there any age limit for application?

Yes, 35 years  is the age limit.


Is it an online training?



Will you give any certificate?

Yes, certificates are awarded at the end of the course – subject to the regularity of attendance, class participation and timely submission of assignments.


Is it free of charge?

Yes. All you need is a good internet connection, and commitment to attend the course.

For more information please click here:
