The Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship

Deadline: 12 October, 2021, 5 PM Eastern time

Opportunity Description

The Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship is now accepting applications! Individuals with an aptitude for and interest in storytelling are encouraged to apply for the Fulbright-National Geographic Fellowship.

About the Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship

The Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship, which is part of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, allows Fulbright US Student Study/Research recipients to participate in a year of storytelling on a globally significant issue. The National Geographic Society and the US Department of State have partnered to make this Fellowship possible. The Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship will seek applications for the 2022-2023 competition to conduct an in-depth investigation of a globally relevant issue as an augmentation of their Fulbright research or artistic project. Oceans, Land, Wildlife, Human History & Cultures, and Human Ingenuity are the focus areas of the National Geographic Society. To share their tales, storytellers can utilise a range of storytelling media, such as text, photography, video, audio/podcasts, maps, or graphic illustrations. The National Geographic Society illuminates and protects the wonders of our planet through science, exploration, education, and storytelling. Individuals with an aptitude for and interest in storytelling are encouraged to apply for the Fulbright-National Geographic Fellowship. We welcome projects that use science, technology, and narrative to help safeguard endangered species, better comprehend human history and culture, conserve our planet’s land and oceans, and build a more sustainable future.

Benefit of the Fulbright – National Geographic storytelling fellowship

  • Storytellers will receive typical Fulbright benefits (travel, stipend, health, etc.) as well as a special allocation for materials and reporting.
  • Before leaving, storytellers will receive training from National Geographic personnel in storytelling strategies such as successful blog writing, video production, photography, public speaking, and other pertinent topics.
  • During the Fulbright grant period, Fellows can also receive editorial mentoring from National Geographic.
  • Throughout their grant period, storytellers contribute to the National Geographic Society’s Field Notes blog and have the option to submit stories to other National Geographic platforms.

Eligibility Criteria

Fulbright-National Geographic Fellows must be chosen for a Fulbright Study/Research Grant by the eligible country to which they applied, and they must meet the host country’s Fulbright Study/Research requirements. Applicants are encouraged to apply from a variety of areas.

  • Candidates with demonstrable narrative expertise and talent will be given priority.
  • By the start of the Fulbright award, candidates must have completed at least an undergraduate degree.
  • Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship applications will be accepted in any nation where a Fulbright Open Study/Research Award is currently open.

How to apply for The Fulbright – National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship?

  • By Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at 5 PM Eastern Time (1:30 AM Afghanistan Time), all application materials, including academic transcripts and letters of recommendation, must be submitted in the Fulbright Online Application and Recommendation System.
  • Submissions in hard copy will not be accepted.
  • The following extra items must be uploaded into the Fulbright Study/Research Application in addition to the Fulbright Study/Research Application:
    1. Proposal for Storytelling
    2. Narrative and Portfolio of Storytelling

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