World Bank and Financial Times’ 2021 Blog/Essay Writing Competition

Submission deadline: Feb 15, 2021 (GMT 4.5+)

Overview of the contest

If you are between the ages of 16 and 19, are current students in high school or secondary educational institutions and have your education or the learning of your family member affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and have ideas for the better ways to learn, you can apply for the World Bank and Financial Times’ blog writing competition.

The World Bank wants to hear from the most-impacted- young people about how we can help children learn anywhere in the world. So, take part in this competition and be bold, persuasive, and creative.

This competition is built on the World Bank’s recent reports on Realizing the Future of Education and Reimagining Human Connections.

Theme of the competition: “How we can help every child learn, everywhere?”

You can participate by telling the competition: How has your learning experience been impacted by COVID-19? What would you tell educators and policymakers to do differently? What would make an impact on your learning experience?

Quick details

Submission deadline: Feb 15, 2021 (GMT 4.5+)

Organizers: The World Bank and Financial Times’


What are the benefits of this competition?

The winners will participate in an online honor ceremony organized by the World Bank in April 2021.

The winners will be featured on the Financial Times and the World Bank’s Blogs.

Who can take part?

Those who are:

  • Current students of high school or secondary schools
  • Between the age of 16 to 19
  • Able to write a blog/essay

Young students can share their high-quality writing, most creative ideas, and solutions to further education outcomes beyond the pandemic.

What should submissions include?

  • Strong blog or essay (English, Maximum 500 words)
  • Photos, videos, visualizations that support your story (optional)
  • Name, age, school, email, and applicants’ living country


Entries will be evaluated by a high-level panel consisting of senior officials at the World Bank Group, the Financial Times, and select partners.

The criteria for assessment include:

  • originality, creativity, writing quality, and solutions presented.

Further points to consider:

  • Entries must be entrants’ own and original work not previously published.
  • All entries must be in English.
  • Any submitter may enter the competition only once.
  • Participants should agree to the terms and conditions of the competition.

How To Apply

Apply online by entering your entry before the deadline.
