Creation of Accessible Reading Materials in the 9 GPE EPSIG-eligible Countries in Asia

Submission deadline: 18 March 2021 5:00 Bangkok Time


United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has launched an initiative to make reading materials widely accessible for students in the nine GPE-EPSIG countries in Asia to enable children’s further learning. To this end, it invites qualified companies to present their proposals before the indicated deadline, and submit their “accessible reading materials” between April 15 to September 15, 2021, tentatively.

Contractors (companies) responsibilities

They are expected to:

  • Translate existing accessible reading materials (including storybooks and school textbooks) for children with disabilities into languages of the nine GPE EPSIG-eligible countries in Asia.
  • Attain confirmation of the translated reading materials from the governments of the nine eligible countries in Asia
  • convert relevant reading materials into accessible formats (such as braille HTML, digital multimedia books, accessible E-books)

Creation of Accessible Reading Materials in the 9 GPE EPSIG-eligible Countries in Asia Details

Submission deadline: 18 March 2021 5:00 Bangkok Time

Call issuer: UNESCO

List of eligible countries:

  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • Cambodia
  • Lao PDR
  • Myanmar
  • Nepal
  • Pakistan
  • Timor-Leste

Expected outcomes

  • A list of existing one hundred reading materials per country, using titles provided by GDL, to be translated into an accessible format, indicating which titles are to be translated if not already available in local languages
  • One hundred accessible reading materials per country translated into languages of the nine GPE EPSIG-eligible countries in Asia.
  • One hundred accessible reading materials per country endorsed by the governments of the nine GPE EPSIG-eligible countries in Asia
  • Conversion into accessible formats (braille HTML, digital multimedia books, accessible E-books) of one hundred (100) accessible reading materials for the nine countries in Asia.

How to submit your proposal

Interested and qualified companies should submit their electronic offer, consisting of a technical and a financial proposal in separated electronic files to the following address before the deadline.

Submission to other addresses will not be considered and the file size should not be more than 10 MB.

UNESCO Contact Information:

Section for Inclusive Quality Education, UNESCO Bangkok/ED

Attn: Nyi Nyi Thaung, a.i. Chief of Section

Fax: +66 2 391 0866

Email Address:


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