University of California FREE Online Course on Academic and Business Writing

Opportunity Description

For English Language Learners, College Writing 2.2x offers an introduction to academic and business writing. Students in this course strive to increase grammatical accuracy, vocabulary growth, and revision and editing skills while concentrating on comprehending the requirements of various writing styles. The five-week course covers content on academic and business writing in the areas of vocabulary, tone, diction, and editing. Students will have the chance to write about a variety of topics and ideas, always focusing on subjects that interest them. Readings and videos are provided as the course materials. Quizzes, journal entries, lengthy essays, and brief writing tasks are all examples of assignments.


  • Duration: 6 weeks
  • Time commitment required: 3-5 hours/week
  • Cost: Free but with limited access (you can get a verified certificate for USD 199)
  • Institution: University of California, Berkely
  • Area: communication
  • Level: introductory
  • Instruction language: English
  • Free access to this course will expire on: December 15, 2022
  • Course Start Date: Available Now

Course content:

The material is offered through readings, videos.

  • Different writing styles
  • Working on grammatical correctness improvement
  • Vocabulary development
  • Revision
  • Editing skills
  • Diction
  • Number of various topics to write

Assignments will include short writing, quizzes, journal entries, and longer essays

What will you learn?

  • Refine persuasive writing techniques and essay development
  • Learning skills Proofreading, self-editing, revision, tone and vocabulary
  • Developing strong English language writing and communication skills

How to Apply

Interested applicants should apply online.

Click Here for Official Link


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